Buckinghamshire Railway Centre

Forward Plan 2015-2018





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Name of museum – Buckinghamshire Railway Centre

Name of governing body – Executive Committee, Quainton Railway Society Ltd.

Date on which this policy was approved by governing body – 27th September 2014

Date at which this policy is due for review – September 2015

3. Criteria governing future acquisition policy including the subjects or themes, periods of time and/or geographic arrears. The permanent collection generally is to consist of material relating to :-

  • The Aylesbury and Buckingham Railway, Metropolitan Railway and London Transport- The Present Quainton Road Station was built by the Metropolitan railway. The Oxford and Aylesbury Tramway; the Wotton Tramway, better known as The Brill Tramway.

  • The Great Central Railway and its affiliates- Quainton Road Station was part of the Great Central Railway. The London and North Eastern Railway and finally British Railways.

  • The London & North Western Railway – The L&N.W.R. had lines very close to Quainton. Their works was at Wolverton, where many of our coaches and wagons were built. The L&NWR had stations at Aylesbury and their Bletchley – Oxford line connected with Aylesbury Buckingham Railway at Verney junction. All within a 50 mile radius of the centre. The terminus of this line was Oxford Rewley Road Station, now rebuilt at the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre.

  • Industrial railways – Once there were industrial railways and private sidings all over the country. Although seen by many as the unglamorous side of railways, they were vital in moving raw materials and finished goods between producers, manufactures and the wider transport network. The Centre already has an extensive collection of fright vehicles ( some used locally, at Bicester Military Railway ) The collection also includes many industrial locomotives from various builder around the UK, some of which worked locally.

  • Victorian rail travel – The Centre has a fine selection of Victorian wooden bodied passenger coaches. The Centre is able to demonstrate, and give rides in there vintage vehicles. Many of there historic vehicles would be unsuitable for operating on longer heritage railways.

4. Limitations on collecting

The museum recognises its responsibility, in acquiring additions to its collections, to ensure that care of collections, documentation arrangements and use of collections will meet the requirements of the Accreditation Standard. It will take into account limitations on collecting imposed by such factors as staffing, storage and care of collection arrangements.

5. Collecting policies of other museums

The museum will take into account of the collecting policies of other museums and other organisations collecting in the same or related areas or subject fields. It will consult with these organisations where conflicts of interest may arise or to define areas of specialisms, in order to avoid unnecessary duplication and waste of resources.

Specific reference is made to the following museums:

London Transport Museum, Didcot Railway Centre, Rutland Railway Museum and Bo’ness & Kinneil Railway (SRPS)

6. Policy review procedure

The Acquisition and Disposal Policy will be published and reviewed from time to time, at least once every five years. The date when the policy is next due for review is noted above.

The Arts Council will be notified of any changes to the Acquisition and Disposal Policy, and the implications of any such changes for the future of existing collections.

7. Acquisitions not covered by the policy.

Acquisitions outside the current stated policy will only be made in very exceptional circumstances, and then only after proper consideration by the governing body of the museum itself, having regard to the interests of other museums.